What Can I Expect With Logo Design?


Introducing a new company or brand to the world is an exhilarating journey of defining your first impression and setting the tone for your potential audience. We’ve refined this creative process into three engaging phases that bring your vision to life:

Phase 1: Project Kickoff, Research and Inspiration 

Before we dive into designing your brand identity, we want to understand your business's essence and the goals you want to achieve. This phase is about gathering insights and setting the foundation for our creative journey.

  • Initial Discovery Meeting: We start with a deep dive into your vision, discussing your goals, aspirations, and any challenges with your current branding. This conversation helps us shape a strategic direction tailored to your needs.

  • Research: We perform a thorough competitor analysis and brand assessment to uncover what sets you apart. We delve into your brand’s personality, ensuring we capture its most unique qualities.

  • Inspiration: We curate moodboards filled with diverse color palettes, fonts, and styles. This visual playground helps us explore the aesthetic that best represents your brand’s spirit and sets the stage for the creative process.

Phase 2: Sketching and Digital Implementation 

We'll sketch out initial ideas and narrow those down to key concepts that will guide the rest of our design process. In this phase, we'll work closely with you to refine the chosen concept until it best reflects your new brand personality.

  • Concept Development: Our team brainstorms and sketches a range of initial ideas, narrowing them down to three distinctive logo concepts to capture different facets of your brand's identity. You then select the one that resonates most with your vision. From there, we'll collaborate to refine this chosen direction, ensuring it authentically reflects your brand and aligns with your goals.

  • Digital Implementation: Once we have the refined concept, we polish it and create a high-quality vector version. This digital transformation ensures your logo is versatile and scalable across all mediums.

  • Color Exploration: We explore a spectrum of color palettes to find the perfect match for your brand’s character. The selected colors will enhance your logo’s impact and effectively convey your brand’s message.

Phase 3: Delivery

The final phase allows us to bring everything together and equip you with the tools to maintain a consistent and cohesive brand identity.

  • Logo Usage Guide: We create a comprehensive guide detailing how to use your logo across various platforms and in marketing materials. This ensures your logo maintains its integrity and impact in every application.

  • Brand Guide: Beyond the logo, we develop a complete visual identity guide for your brand. This includes specifications for fonts, color palettes, iconography, and photography styles, ensuring all elements work harmoniously to represent your brand.

  • File Packaging: We provide your finalized logo in multiple formats (.eps, .jpg, .png) for both web (RGB) and print (CMYK), in color, black, and white versions. This gives you the flexibility to use your logo with confidence!

We don’t just design logos here at Pulp; we create lasting symbols that encapsulate your brand’s essence and inspire your audience.